How to create an ingredient CSV file

When creating a new product notification, you can add the ingredient information using a CSV file.

During the process of creating a product notification, you can choose to enter the ingredient information manually - using the forms provided - or by uploading the ingredients using a CSV file which you can find here:
Concentration ranges

Once the CSV file has been successfully uploaded, if you need to change your ingredient information you will need to amend and re upload the CSV.

Adding the ingredients

Add each ingredient individually. For every ingredient:

  • If it is shown as an ingredient on the product label, it must be added to the notification as an ingredient
  • Use the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) name, where available
  • Provide the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, where available
  • Confirm if the ingredient is listed in the National Poisons Information Service (NPIS) tables and if the NPIS need to be notified about this ingredient

You can create a CSV file by using spreadsheet software or a simple text file editor. The CSV file you create must follow this format:

Template: concentration ranges

There are six fields for each ingredient (in this order):

  1. Ingredient name
  2. Concentration minimum (% w/w)
  3. Concentration maximum (% w/w)
  4. NPIS Exact concentration (% w/w) where an ingredient does need to be reported to NPIS
  5. CAS number
  6. Does the NPIS need to be notified about this ingredient?

You can use our template or create a CSV file by using a simple text file editor or spreadsheet software. The CSV file you create must follow this format:

Formatting requirements

  • The first (header) row must be kept and not modified
  • The file name extension must be .csv
  • Each ingredient is listed on its own row
  • Each ingredient has 6 comma separated fields
  • An ingredient name is always required and there must be no duplication of ingredient names
  • If the ingredient name contains a comma, the whole ingredient name must be surrounded by quote marks (eg. "X, Y")
  • If the ingredient does not need to be reported to NPIS, a minimum AND maximum concentration (% w/w) value is always required
  • If the ingredient needs to be reported to NPIS, you must supply only the exact (% w/w). The minimum and maximum fields must be left blank
  • A CAS number is optional but must always be numbers and dashes only (e.g. 497-19-8)
  • The fifth value is always set to true or false.
    (The value is true if an ingredient needs to be reported to NPIS)


This is a simple text file example:

Sodium Carbonate,3,10,,497-19-8,false

This is a spreadsheet example:

Ingredient name Minimum % w/w Maximum % w/w NPIS exact w/w % CAS number Does the NPIS need to be notified about this ingredient?
Sodium Carbonate 10 30 497-19-8 false
Water 35 65 7732-18-5 false
Eucalyptol 12 true

Download our template CSV file to your machine or device: Concentration ranges

Disclaimer: Please use the guidance and file format provided. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide specific guidance for individual cases. If you are unable to successfully use CSV uploads, use the manual journey.